There are many causes of hair loss, everything from genetics to diet have been identified as contributors. For anyone who realises they are suffering, one of the first reactions can be to run out and grab as many over the counter shampoos and conditioners that are marketed to us these days. These however do not offer much help for male or female hair loss at all. When they don’t see any improvement, the next step is to investigate the more clinical kinds of treatment available, such as various chemical treatments, hair transplant surgery and Low-Level Laser Therapy, also known as LLLT. Laser hair treatment is becoming more popular due to being non-invasive and the lack of adverse side effects, which can be an issue with many of the chemical treatments available. It is also cost effective as an ongoing treatment.

Lasercap™ for Hair Loss Treatment
However, many laser hair treatments require the user to comb the laser through their hair for a quarter of an hour or more per session, at least 3 times a week. The problem here is that it is a little too random in terms of application for continued success. It also tends to become a burden on the user as 15 minutes combing through their hair quickly becomes a tedious process, discouraging continued treatment.
An alternative to these kinds of laser treatment is the innovative LaserCap™, a portable device that can be worn under a hat, and is therefore better able to regulate the proper amount of laser treatment for a given condition. In the case of thinning hair, especially in its early stages where the LaserCap™ performs best, the amount of laser treatment applied is critical, with 30 minute sessions 3 times a week proving to be the most effective. The nature of the LaserCap™ makes this, unlike other kinds of applicators, easy for the user to accomplish. Because the cap itself means that the treatment can be better controlled, the LaserCap™ is the most powerful Laser treatment tool on the market, whilst being one of the easiest to use. With no side effects there is no need to worry when deciding to give LaserCap™ treatment a try.
LLLT in general and the LaserCap™ in particular are particularly beneficial to the end user as they are clean and painless. In addition, the LaserCap™ takes up relatively little time, with no adverse effects and can prove to be significantly more economical than other forms of hair loss treatment, and represents an avenue of hair loss treatment well worth investigating.